Panoramic X-Ray

Panoramic X-Ray

Radiological imaging is very important for oral and dental health. Dental radiology assists dentists in diagnosing and detecting problems during treatment. In our clinic, panoramic x-ray and digital tomography are also taken, and a periapical film is taken in which the teeth are viewed by irradiating a smaller area.

·         With panoramic x-rays, all teeth can be shown in two dimensions on a single film. Thus, the treatment of patients can be planned completely and quickly with the use of panoramic x-rays.

·         With panoramic x-ray, it is possible to determine caries and pathologies that cannot be seen clinically in the teeth, to detect cysts formed in the jaw bones, to detect impacted teeth, to detect formations such as tumors.

·         In implant surgery, the operation area can be viewed wider with the panoramic x-ray taken from the related area, which increases the success of the operation.

·         Since the whole mouth is visualized with a single film with panoramic x-rays, patients are exposed to less radiation compared to whole mouth films taken by convective methods.

Opening Hours

Mon – Fri : 9 am to 9 pm
Saturday   : 10 am to 6 pm